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Using books to engrave the essential subjects in time.

Because book are the noblest form of human expression, because for us, books are the memory of time and they remain...




"You go to school, your parents scold you, you play or you fight at the recreation, you get washed and you go to bed, and well … so animals do!”

Devoted to the social life of animals, the main purpose of this book is to show children the similarities that exist between their daily lives and that of animals. In order to better understand the animal life, LEATHER! HAIR! FEATHER! has tried to bring together the most astonishing and spectacular pictures of the behaviours that can be observed in nature, through activities as diverse as sleeping, food, work, toilet, hunting, sexuality , birth, education, etc. Without distinction of class, order, or species, we wanted to present the social life of animals in all its diversity and in its intimacy. A book that will allow children to discover the many similarities that sometimes exist with our own behaviours.